Burkhart Chiropractic saw 111% more conversions with Paid Search, Paid Social, and Landing Page Design.

Their Story

Burkhart Chiropractic, a leader in spinal decompression therapy, wanted a marketing partner to help them scale up their online advertising and increase their monthly new patient count.

Before Linear we had worked with a lot of different marketing agencies that made big promises but fell short. Linear is different. They hit the goals we agreed on and then just kept going. Even during COVID, we’ve had some very strong months.

Dr. Ryan Burkhart

Partner @ Burkhart Chiropractic

What we did.

Linear’s expert team dedicates personal attention to helping clients succeed.

  • Custom Landing Page Design
  • Continuous A/B Testing
  • Multi-Step Forms
  • Single Keyword Ad Groups
  • Direct Facebook + Instagram Campaigns

The Results.

In the first 3-months of working with Linear, Burkhart Chiropractic doubled their conversions.

Total Conversions
Conversion Rates
Cost Per Acquisition

“Linear added 30% to our collections in the first three months and it’s only continued to grow.  I would recommend Linear to anyone looking to grow their business…”

Dr. Tim Burkhart
Partner – Burkhart Chiropractic

Get results like these.

Let’s work together! Get your free custom proposal to take your PPC and CRO to the next level!