BairesDev increased conversion rates by 57% with A/B Testing & Custom Landing Page Design

Their Story

BairesDev, a multi-national nearshore outsourcing firm, wanted to increase conversion rates for their IT staffing services but needed help designing a high-converting landing page.

Even though we have a highly experienced internal marketing team, Linear was able to provide insights and design elements that we hadn’t thought of. Ultimately, these ideas lead to higher conversion rates.  

Nicolas Polito

Digital Marketing Team Lead @ BairesDev

What we did.

Linear’s expert team dedicates personal attention to helping clients succeed.

  • Custom Landing Page Design
  • Continuous A/B Testing
  • Multi-Step Forms
  • Pop-up Design/Testing

The Results.

In the first month of working with Linear, BairesDev saw a significant conversion rate improvement.

Conversion Rates
Total Conversions
Cost Per Acquisition

“Linear introduced us to several ideas we had never tested like multi-step forms, dynamic headlines, and more. They’ve helped us rethink the way we design new landing pages.”

Esteban Tanner
Marketing Operations Team Lead – BairesDev

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